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My personal video plea to the ministers of Europe - leave a door open for our children
Sehr verehrte Frau Dr. Merkel,
This is my personal plea to the ministers of Europe. Do not exclude our young people, who voted nearly 75% to remain in the EU.
In Germany of the 1930s, one group of people became a scapegoat for the poverty of the country. Anger, resentment and deprivation found an outlet in xenophobia and hatred, leading the entire world into a terrible war.
In the UK today, we have witnessed migrants, and by extension the EU, (which allows freedom of movement of its citizens around Europe), becoming the scapegoat for the angry, poor and jobless of the UK.
Deliberately whipped up by scaremongering the older and disenfranchised of this country have given vent to their anger by voting to leave the EU.
Only 73% of those eligible voted at all, and of those, only 52% voted Leave, so actually only 38% of us voted to leave. Too few to justify a divorce, surely? David Cameron has just given up, and is ignoring calls for a second referendum to establish a clear majority.
Nearly 75% of the young people who voted wanted to stay in Europe.
Yet, a poorly educated and angry older population have been allowed to steal our young people's future.
Please Do not turn your backs on our young people. Allow them back in. We have seen too often in the last century what happens when fear and hatred take control and divide a population. Please, do not let it happen again.
Kommentare (2)Schließen
am 27. Juni 2016
am 27. Juni 2016
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