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Autor monika sharma am 21. September 2009
8059 Leser · 6 Stimmen (-2 / +4)

Sichere Lebensmittel

expired food in concealed manner

dear federal minister aigner

i would like to ask a question

explanation ----We in my family (my husband, myself and son) believe that due to the consumption of expired flour (sold in concealed manner to us) we all got infected due to which we had severe throat infections, headaches and / or fever.

question ----What should we do with the shop owner / seller while we have left the consumable flour helped unconsumed. Is there a way we could test if the flour has fungus or other harmful bacteria. How could we help others from consuming flour same from this particular shop. Please suggest what and how we should proceed.?

for an early reply, I'd be very happy

your's sincerly

monika sharma


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